The weather was superb, bright sunshine with a 20-30kt Easterly wind.
I arrived first and helped the farmer fit a new gate - always a good sign if the landowner is friendly. Ian arrived about 10 minutes later with a few slope slopers and we assembled and headed onto the field about 100 yards away
Ian went first
After a long and fun flight or three, I decided to try the Bubble Dancer on the Slope. By now, the wind had started to drop although it was still quite gusty, so waiting for a lull and the model went up vertically by about 20 feet and with a little down elevator I manager to get her away from the slope.
Unfortunately the glider was over elevated for some reason and due to the amount of lift was a nightmare to try and land. However, I did get her down in one piece and breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Great Fun.
Another couple of flights with the Glass Slipper and I was away home at 1630. Absolutely wonderful afternoon :)